1/2 in. CSST x 250 ft. Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing

Thanks for viewing our website to learn more about HOME-FLEX® CSST Products.

HOME-FLEX® (a division of Valencia Pipe Company / VPC Global) has been producing superior gas pipe products since 2007.

CSST (corrugated stainless steel tubing) was invented in the late 1980s as an alternative to black iron pipe that was typically used in homes at that time.  It was born out of the need for an easy-to-install product that flexes with structures in case of earthquakes. 

Here are some facts for your consideration:

  • CSST is flexible. It is ideal for use in walls, ceilings, suspended from raised foundations under a structure, etc.
  • Can be used for Natural Gas or Propane installations.
  • It is easier and more efficient to transport, store, and install than rigid pipe.  No special cutting and threading equipment is necessary and, therefore, fewer joints are required (meaning fewer potential leak points).  And, it takes less time to install meaning the overall project cost is less when considering labor charges.
  • CSST, although predominantly made for inside use, can also be used outdoors.
  • The driving standard (ANSI LC1-CSA 6-26) contains test requirements determining suitability for exposure of CSST to outdoor environments.  HOME-FLEX® is cer­tified to this standard and is suitable for outdoor installations. The HOME-FLEX® jacket is UV resistant and able to withstand exposure to sunlight for a limited time. Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight to attain longevity of the jacket. When this is not possible, tubing should be routed in a non-metallic sleeve or wrapped in self-bonding silicone tape.
    • When installed outdoors, the yellow jacketing of HOME-FLEX® must be intact along the entire run. Any areas of tubing not covered by the jacket are to be wrapped with self-bonding sili­cone tape or sleeved to prevent damage from acids and chlorides.
    • If installed within 6’ of the ground HOME-FLEX® CSST must be routed within a conduit or chase. If installed in a location where the tubing will not be subject to possible mechanical damage, a conduit is not required, but is recommended.
    • There should be no fittings inside the conduit.
    • Care must be taken to ensure water, dirt, debris, and insects do not enter the conduit.  Cap off entry points.
  • CSST must be direct bonded to the building’s electrical system.  See section 4.10 of the HOME-FLEX® CSST Design & Installation Manual available at homeflex.com/resources/CSST.
  • HOME-FLEX® CSST products are NOT interchangeable with HOME-FLEX® Underground products.

If used underground . . .

  • HOME-FLEX® CSST should never be buried directly underground without a conduit.  To route HOME-FLEX® CSST tubing underground, it must be protected within a nonmetallic water-tight conduit that is at least ½" larger than the outer diameter of the CSST tubing. Fittings and joints are not permissible in such runs; the run must be one unbroken line of tubing.
  • For outdoor underground installations, the annular space between the CSST and the nonme­tallic conduit must be sealed to prevent entrance of moisture, dirt, debris, and insets.

Please see the CSST FAQs at homeflex.com/resources for additional information.
Product information and/or installation advice is available from our Technical Services Department Monday-Friday 8a – 5p (Pacific time).  (661) 257-3923 x1010 (Jon, Technical Services Director) or x1026 (Dave, Product Specialist).  Or email us any time at info@homeflex.com.

1/2 in. CSST x 250 ft. Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing